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our ministry staff:

Senior Pastor, Hometown Church

Chief Executive, JFMI


Senior Pastor Dave Thilges - Senior Pastor Dave is an Ordained Minister through Joan Hunter Ministries and a member of 4 Corners Alliance.  He brings a well-rounded background of spiritual, educational and administrative experience.  He has also received extensive training in the areas of healing and deliverance through Joan Hunter Ministries/Hunter Ministries, Stand Firm World Ministries, Don Dickerman Ministries and prior home churches, and now he is dedicated to equipping others to fulfill the purpose that God has placed on their lives.

Senior Pastor Joyce Thilges - Senior Pastor Joyce, author of the book Sanctified Freedom: Deliverance for Modern Christians, is a member of 4 Corners Alliance and an Ordained Minister through Joan Hunter Ministries.  She has held a wide variety of ministry roles, including Sunday School Teacher,  VBS Coordinator, Interim Children's Ministry Director, Choir Member, Worship Team Member, Counseling Assistant, Freedom Team Member, Prophetic Prayer Team Member and Healing School Administrator/Instructor.  She has received extensive training in the areas of healing and deliverance through Joan Hunter Ministries/Hunter Ministries, Stand Firm World Ministries, Don Dickerman Ministries, and more.  For years she has worked to see people healed, delivered, and set free through the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Apostle, Senior Pastor, Hometown Church

Founder & President, JFMI

Dr. Sandra L. Terrell - Dr. Terrell is the Dean Emeritus of the JFMI College of Ministry and a Pastor at Joy Fellowship Church.  She is also Professor Emerita from the Department of Speech and Pathology and Audiology at the University of North Texas (UNT) Denton Texas, and is an ordained minister.  Dr. Terrell's passion is to serve the Lord through equipping His people through the College of Ministry.

Pastor, Hometown Church

Dean Emeritus, JFMI College of Ministry


Karen Kottaridis - Karen Kottaridis is the Dean and an instructor at JFMI College of Ministry and Marketing Director for JFMI.  She is the author of Ministering to SRA, Dissociative Identity Disorder and Soul Fragmentation and Unlocking the Mystery of Dreams. Karen's passion is to see the God's people healed, delivered and walking in their God-given talents and abilities.


Dean, JFMI College of Ministry

Marketing Director, JFMI

Joy faith ministries international

(817) 424-1212info@joyfmi.orgCall for address

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