Joy Faith Ministries International

4 Corners alliance
4 corners alliance & joan hunter ministries
Joy Faith Ministries International believes in apostolic coverings and all the blessings that it brings from the five-fold ministry.
4 Corners Alliance is a global network of believers, including pastors, prophets, evangelists, teachers and lay people who have aligned themselves or their ministry under the apostolic covering of Joan Hunter.
Joan Hunter, with Joan Hunter Ministries/Hunter Ministries, is an Apostle with an apostolic covering and accountability through fellow apostles. She has strived to train believers to fulfill the commission of Jesus to “...lay hands on the sick” (Mark 16:18) by demonstrating the God given authority over sickness and disease that is available to all believers. Her approach is simple, comprehensive, and has proven successful. For these reasons, this approach has also been adopted by Joy Faith Ministries International for the Healing Ministry.